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Antonii Janusz Pastwa was born on January 26, 1944 in Brzoza near Kozienice. He studied at the Faculty of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw – first in the studio of prof. Marian Wnuk, and later in the studio of prof. Stanisław Słonina. He obtained his diploma in 1970. In 1992 he was appointed professor of fine arts. Member of the Program Council of the Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko. He has participated in the works of the Jury of national sculpture competitions many times, often acting as the chairman. Artistic supervisor of many spatial realizations. Decorated with the silver medal for “Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis”.
“In your sculpture, time is watched and watched. He is one of those artists for whom each step they have achieved is a challenge, a starting point for a new, unexpected, unpredictable work, crossing oneself again and again ”. (Krzysztof Karasek)
“Pastwa finds her own principles of composition and expression; balance and rhythm; harmony and contrast. He wants to contain the condensed internal energy in a material shape, and thus induce a specific emotional temperature in the recipient. Each sculpture, each shape is an open structure. These sculptures have their own life, independent of the object, as it were. ” (Krzysztof Mętrak).
The most important projects include: the statue of Józef Brandt (Orońsko), the statue of Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin), reliefs at the Foksal residence, and the Apollo quadriga created together with Adam Myjak on the front of the Grand Theater in Warsaw.